Religious Education

Director: Mr. Anthony Perrelli
Phone: 718-278-0259
Email: [email protected]
Office hours: Monday through Thursday, 8:00 am to 3:00 pm, evenings by appointment.

The Religious Education/Faith Formation Office is located in the basement of the Rectory with a separate entrance with bell in the back of the Rectory. For more information, please visit

The Office works with the school community on various levels of religious studies and faith formation. Within the School and Religious Education Program, children are prepared for the reception of First Penance, First Communion and Confirmation. Since we are one parish, the preparation has a number of common rites and events besides the individual classroom study. Parents/guardians of the children are involved in the preparation at various times of the year. This fosters personal development of Faith and a deeper sense of family and parish community. The Office helps with the teacher as a source of help and information on the grade level in the religion classes. Also offered to the teachers are required courses and ongoing faith development. The office also supplies a variety of resources.