
SFA offers weekly language classes in Italian. Students communicate through games and songs according to their age level. Focus is on communication as well as grammatical correctness. Cultural information is incorporated into the lessons. Smartboard, Internet, and wireless technology enhance the learning process.

Students will learn to pray and say the Pledge of Allegiance to the United States in Italian.


Students verbally learn greetings, numbers, colors, days of the week, parts of the body, songs and games. They will also work on a letter of the alphabet every week.

1st Grade

Each week the students will work with a letter of the Italian alphabet and words that go with that letter.
Materials: notebook, pencil, crayons, and a folder.
Homework: Write the new words 3times in Italian and 1 time in English.

2nd Grade

Students will work with greetings, numbers, days of the week months, seasons, animals, the weather, poems and songs.
Materials: notebook, pencil, crayons, and a folder.
Homework: Write the new words 3 times in Italian and 1 time in English.

3rd Grade

Students will work with classroom objects, home, the weather, means of transportation, nature, poems, and songs for special holidays.
Materials: notebook, pen, crayons, and a folder.
Homework: Write the new words 3 times in Italian and 1 time in English.

4th Grade

Students will start to converse in Italian with their peers. Students will use the book Exploring Italian, and will learn songs and poems for special occasions.
Materials: the Italian book, a notebook, pen, and a folder.
Homework is assigned every week.

5th Grade

Students will continue to work with Exploring Italian
Materials: the Italian textbook, a notebook, pen, and a folder.
Homework is assigned every week.

6th Grade

Students will work with the textbook and workbook Avanti con lItaliano
Materials: the Avanti con lItaliano textbook and workbook, a notebook, pen, loose leaf and a folder.
Homework is assigned every week and is to be done on loose leaf.

7th Grade

Students will continue to work with the textbook and workbook Avanti con lItaliano, and during the year they will do special projects.
Materials: the Avanti con lItaliano book, a notebook, pen, lose leaf and a folder.
Homework is assigned every week and is to be done on loose leaf.

8th Grade

Students will work with the last chapters in the book Avanti con lItaliano and during the year they will do special projects.

Materials: the Avanti con lItaliano textbook and workbook, a notebook, pen, loose leaf and a folder.
Homework is assigned every week and is to be done on loose leaf.

All students are required to get their Italian homework signed by a parent.

All students are required to learn Ave Maria, while 7th and 8th graders are required, in addition, to learn Padre Nostro.

“Ave, Maria”
Ave, o Maria, piena di grazia,
il Signore con te.
Tu sei benedetta fra le donne
e benedetto il frutto del tuo seno, Ges.
Santa Maria, Madre di Dio,
prega per noi peccatori,
adesso e nell’ora della nostra morte.

“Padre Nostro”
Padre nostro, che sei nei cieli,
sia santificato il tuo nome,
venga il tuo regno,
sia fatta la tua volont,
come in cielo cos in terra.
Dacci oggi il nostro pane quotidiano,
e rimetti a noi i nostri debiti
come noi li rimettiamo ai nostri debitori,
e non ci indurre in tentazione,
ma liberaci dal male.

Buon anno scolastico a tutti!
Signora Posa